Музей Комсомола, Советской истории и быта
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About our Museum of Komsomol

Музей истории комсомола в УдмуртииOn October 29 of 1918 year, during the First All-Russian Congress of the union of young workers and farmers was formed The Russian Communistic Union of Youth (Komsomol), wich in 1924 became the Lenin`s Union (Lenin`s Komsomol), and in 1926 became All-Unions Komsomol organisation.

Several generations of Russians passed throw school of Komsomol — it was the whole era in country life. Komsomol — was the best and prospering time in life of Russia, our grandparents and parents can tell many stories about it.

On one of meetings, devoted to a day of celebration of the 60 anniversary of Komsomol, the regional committee of All-Union Leninist Young Communist League issued a decree about creation of the museum, devoted to the historical past of the Komsomol organization.

The ceremonial opening took place in October, 1978.
Very big exposition of the archival materials telling about history of the pioneers and Komsomol movement of Russia was presented to visitors. But in 1991, after collapse of the USSR, the museum was reorganized, and all archival materials were transferred to Archives of central library. Among these documents were: Komsomol`s and delegate`s tickets, autobiographies, certificates, diplomas and personal letters. Also the history of Komsomol can be learned according to the remained old newspapers, brochures, school exhibitions. Many materials were devoted to meetings of pioneers, local historians and tourists. All these materials now you can find in onine version of Komsomol museum on our website — Komsomol-museum.ru.

In archival documents, represented on this website you can find out interesting information about Heroes of the Soviet Union and of the Great Patriotic War. Historical materials about work of the museum can be found in newspappers «Young Leninist» of the city of Glazov, «House of pioneers» of Sarapul also in articles of the soviet newspapers «Udmurtskaya Pravda» and «Krasnoye Prikamye». In old photos it is possible to see soldiers internationalists in Chechnya, leaders of production, famous scientists and outstanding athletes.

The records of the pioneer`s marches brings the spirit of the Soviet young Leninists. Also in the museum there is a large number of awards of Komsomol members: medals, distinctions, badges and pioneer attributes.

Bright future is possible only while you can remember your past!

We try to publish all latest news of the Museum of Komsomol, the Soviet history and life on our site — if you want — you can help us too: — you can send to us your photos and stories connected with Komsomol to our mail — we will surely publish them on our website. Use a feedback form in the menu of our website — we are always glad to recieve letters from our readers!

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Подготовка, изучение устава и принятие в члены ВЛКСМ

Вечно живые архивы комсомольского музея

В каждой советской школе существовал комитет комсомола, который отвечал за подготовку, принятие новых членов и ведение работы в школе просветительского, агитационного и организационного характера. Все субботники, праздничные мероприятия проводили комсомольцы. Читать далее..

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Новая рубрика — «Сделай сам!»

Новая рубрика - "Сделай сам!"Представляем новую рубрику «Сделай сам». Это – мастерская переделок, созданная при поддержке изощренных умов советских мастеров народного дизайна.

В годы социализма, когда особого изобилия не было, а жить хотелось в достойных условиях, непризнанные советские гении подарили всему свету свои пусть не переворачивающие мир открытия, но делающие жизнь ярче, интереснее и красочнее. Читать далее

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